Showing 1 to 8 of 8 articles for Innova Asset Management: INNOVA ASSET MANAGEMENT | TUESDAY, 23 APR 2024 'Alpha' is a term which is bandied around a lot in our industry. We all want to deliver alpha to clients, find investments that generate alpha and naturally base the fees charged on investment products on their history of creating alpha for ... Read more DANIEL CHOO | THURSDAY, 27 JUL 2023 ... for institutions, or because they have been closed to new investments for some time. This is particularly true of multi-asset products with the scale to offer exposure to a broad range of offshore fund managers, enabling cost-efficient diversification ... Read more BRONWYN YATES | THURSDAY, 10 JUN 2021 ... Russell Investments - are now offering managed account solutions that adapt to market movements in real-time by using dynamic asset allocation within a tranche of the product's underlying allocation. This approach enables the portfolio manager to ... Read more BRETT MENNIE | TUESDAY, 1 DEC 2020 ... outside of super are increasingly understood, but now emerging are capabilities such as tax optimisation and portfolio management tools which can be increasingly harnessed by advisers and portfolio managers to help tailor portfolios and to navigate current ... Read more SHANNON BERNASCONI | MONDAY, 19 OCT 2020 ... process and the personal advice provided to clients. Whether it is through an internal investment committee, research houses, asset consultants or even through outsourced investment management, it allows advisers more time for relationships and strategy ... Read more HUB24 PTY LTD | MONDAY, 12 NOV 2018 ... who are working increasingly closely with managed portfolio providers to collaborate and deliver technology that embeds asset management capabilities in the platform. Technology will increasingly become a point of differentiation between managed portfolio ... Read more MARTIN MORRIS | FRIDAY, 28 SEP 2018 ... increasingly sophisticated and investment platforms must now successfully cope with a wide range of investment styles and asset compositions and be able to transact efficiently and cost effectively, if they wish to build lasting relationships with financial ... Read more TOM BIGNILL , ALWYN HUNG | MONDAY, 7 MAR 2016 ... a growing number of the Adviser community via managed account platforms has opened the door for many investors to access asset classes which have previously been the domain of institutional players. None more so than with the fixed income asset class. ... Read more PAGE: 1 |
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On the horizon
Tim Townsend is a people person at heart, and using managed accounts he has more time to do what he loves most - engaging with clients. But that doesn't mean just any solution will do. Eliza Bavin writes.