Investment HUB24 PTY LTD | MONDAY, 21 FEB 2022 HUB24 has developed this paper to illustrate how great advice together with innovative platform capabilities can be leveraged by advisers to deliver enhanced client outcomes which can make a considerable difference to a client's portfolio over t ... Read more IAIN NORTH , CHRIS MCAVOY | MONDAY, 21 FEB 2022 Alternative yield investing has been a growing sector of importance for both institutional and private global investors as global central banks have kept interest rates at ultra-low levels to combat economic downturns and to stimulate growth since 2 ... Read more MARTIN MORRIS | WEDNESDAY, 29 JUN 2022 This paper is based on an excerpt from Praemium's Profit Facts and Key Success Drivers: Elevating your Business with Managed Accounts report. It builds upon research undertaken in 2019 when Praemium, in conjunction with leading advisory consulting practice ... Read more HUGH MACNALLY | SUNDAY, 31 JUL 2022 Individually managed accounts (IMAs) and separately managed accounts (SMAs) enable clients to access direct international and domestic equity portfolios with greater control and transparency. However, the differences between and benefits of IMAs and ... Read more Ethics & Governance CHRIS WEST | TUESDAY, 22 MAR 2022 When the term 'governance' is mentioned, the first reaction is normally one that brings up the dread of another set of overburdensome compliance obligations. However, governance and compliance are very different things. Good investment governance at ... Read more Technology BILL HORTZ | SUNDAY, 29 MAY 2022 Will the future of investment portfolios increasingly be built, not on mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), but on customised managed accounts? Read more Compliance MARTIN KOFOED | FRIDAY, 7 OCT 2022 While the benefits of the managed account structure for investors and advisers are clear, their fee structure, however, tends to be less so. Read more |
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Further Reading
Cover Story

On the horizon
Tim Townsend is a people person at heart, and using managed accounts he has more time to do what he loves most - engaging with clients. But that doesn't mean just any solution will do. Eliza Bavin writes.