Showing 1 to 5 of 5 articles: HUGH MACNALLY | MONDAY, 12 MAR 2018 Individually managed accounts (IMAs) and separately managed accounts (SMAs) enable trustees of SMSFs to access direct international and domestic equity portfolios with greater control and transparency compared to the traditional managed fund options ... Read more MULTIPORT PTY LTD | MONDAY, 17 JUL 2017 Multiport is a leading provider of self-managed super and managed account administration, reporting and compliance services. We are dedicated to providing the highest level of service for a transparent and competitive fee. Read more ANDREW TRACY | MONDAY, 7 MAR 2016 Australia's wealth management sector faces disruptive changes on a number of fronts. Investors have become more educated and are more aware of key issues such as portfolio transparency and tax events. With assets in the self-managed superannuation ... Read more ANDREW ALCOCK | MONDAY, 7 MAR 2016 In Australia, for a variety of reasons, self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) have traditionally avoided investing directly in overseas equities. This white paper examines why and how next generation product structures such as international managed ... Read more ALWYN HUNG | MONDAY, 7 MAR 2016 In an environment where persistently low growth and low interest rates are becoming the norm, combined with a global economy where both leverage and asset valuations continue to remain well above historic averages, the importance of fixed income in ... Read more PAGE: 1 |
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On the horizon
Tim Townsend is a people person at heart, and using managed accounts he has more time to do what he loves most - engaging with clients. But that doesn't mean just any solution will do. Eliza Bavin writes.