Building the foundations for responsible AI investingBY MICHELLE DUNSTAN, SARAH DE LAGARDE, ANTONY MARSDEN, ALISON PORTER | VOLUME 11, ISSUE 1What is AI? Before we can delve into the topic of responsible AI, it's important to distinguish Gen AI from human intelligence and Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), which is when models become as or more intelligent than humans. Gen AI has the capability to generate new and original content with what are known as 'transformer models' - a type of AI model that generates human-like text by analysing patterns in large amounts of data. These models, which use an ever-increasing range of parameters (Open AI's Chat GPT-4 has over a trillion), help algorithms learn, react, create and predict using historic data and interactions. Get articles like this delivered to your email - Sign up for the free monthly newsletter ![]() More Articles |
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